Joanne Osborne announces candidacy for state House of Representatives

Joanne Osborne announces candidacy for state House of Representatives



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Arizona native and local business owner Joanne Osborne has announced she will run for the Arizona House of Representatives.

Osborne said she wants to focus on economic growth, jobs, conservation and issues that will affect the future generations of Arizonans, according to a press release.

"I care deeply about Arizona's future and the future of our children,” Osborne said in the release. “With the arrival of so many young families in Goodyear, it has required us to take a long-term view when tackling issues like economic growth, jobs, water conservation, and many others that directly affect our future generation's success and prosperity.”

Osborne’s public service includes 10 years on the Goodyear City Council, and she was chair of MAG’s Continuum of Care on Homelessness and chair of Human Services. She was named the Elk’s Lodge Citizen of the Year in 2010 and Leadership West’s Business Leader of the Year in 2016.

Osborne and her husband own Osborne Jewelers and have been Goodyear residents for the 19 years. 


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