Pima County considers allowing chickens in residential zones

Pima County considers allowing chickens in residential zones



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Courtesy of Morguefle

Residents in Pima County may soon be able to raise chickens in their backyards.

The Pima County Development Services is considering an amendment to its code that would allow the chickens in residential zones, according to a news announcement.

The amendment would permit female chickens in small-lot residential zones. This would include TH Trailer Homesite, CR-4 Mixed-Dwelling Type, CR-5 Multiple Residence, CMH-1 and -2 County Manufactured and Mobile Home and MU Multiple Use zones. Keeping such animals is currently banned.

Single-family dwelling lots or manufactured home lots that are 6,000 square feet or larger could keep up to eight chickens if the amendment is accepted.

Those single family dwelling lots and manufactured home lots that are smaller than 6,000 square feet would be permitted to keep up to four chickens.

However, the changes would not permit residents to keep male chickens.

Any private residential restriction or covenants would still be in effect despite the code amendment, the announcement said.

A different amendment also being considered would allow ratities (ostrich and emu) to be kept on rural property and some residential areas. They would be required to abide by the livestock rules, which state there can only one animal per 10,000 square feet of lot space.

A public hearing on the issue is expected in early fall.


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