City of Scottsdale looking for business feedback on economic strategy

City of Scottsdale looking for business feedback on economic strategy

City of scottsdale


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The city of Scottsdale is seeking feedback on its economic development plan.

An online survey will be administered by TheMindSuite, a local company that will be responsible for aggregating the data and will make it available to the city and to the public.

The City Council approved the Economic Development Strategic Plan on Feb. 15, 2015. The plan was composed after extensive consultations, including one-on-one meetings and focus groups, with the Scottsdale business community. City staff also did some economic research in preparation for the plan.

The Economic Development Strategic Plan was designed to guide the city’s actions and activities for five years. According to a press release, several important accomplishments have been in line with the plan that has taken place over the past two years.

For more information on the program, events or accomplishments, visit the city's website. Annual and quarterly reports can also be found on the website.


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