Arizona's Schweikert hailed for 'firm' anti-Obamacare stance

Arizona's Schweikert hailed for 'firm' anti-Obamacare stance



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An Arizona congressman is being hailed in a new ad campaign as one of a dozen congressmen who opposed the Affordable Care Act.

The $3 million television and social media ad campaign, launched by the America First Policies organization, is running in 12 congressional districts. The organization is made up of close associates of President Donald Trump.

The ads urge people to thank U.S. Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ) for his work on repealing Obamacare.

Schweikert is part of the House Freedom Caucus, members of which were opposed to elements of the American Health Care Act, the proposed legislation backed by the House leadership and Trump. Lack of support is blamed for the bill failing before it came to a vote.

One commercial that aired last week describes Obamacare as a "disaster" and claims it will get worse.

"That's why Congressman David Schweikert is taking on Nancy Pelosi, standing firm opposing Obamacare," the ad says. "Congressman Schweikert is taking on special interests and keeping his promise to the voters to repeal Obamacare."

The commercial then asks voters to call the congressman and thank him for his courage and "standing with President Trump to repeal Obamacare now."

The Washington Post reported that the 12 congressmen being touted in the ads were identified as among a group that told the White House they supported the AHCA.

Schweikert has introduced an amendment that would set up a new reinsurance program to provide $15 billion over nine years to insurance companies to cover the care of high cost patients, with the aim of keeping a lid on premiums and keeping exchanges afloat. 

Critics say it does not provide enough money to make any substantial difference. 

Those organizing the campaign told the Post that it was "a gesture of appreciation to Trump’s friends in the chamber as well as a way to encourage other House Republicans to get behind the effort to revive health-care legislation."

America First Policies was formed in January. The chairman is GOP strategist Nick Ayers, who is closely linked to Vice President Mick Pence. Its senior adviser is Katie Walsh, Trump’s former deputy chief staff who left the White House in late March.

Others involved with the group include Brad Parscale, a senior adviser who ran digital operations for the Trump campaign, and Katrina Pierson, its spokeswoman, who was a campaign aide, according to the Post.


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