Honeywell hosts student cabinet meeting to advance math and science education in Arizona

Honeywell hosts student cabinet meeting to advance math and science education in Arizona

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Honeywell International recently held a technology day and statewide cabinet meeting for the Arizona Chief Science Officer Program (CSO) at the company’s Deer Valley, Ariz. facility. 

The CSO program brings together peer-elected students in grades six through 12 to be ambassadors for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education to promotes careers in technology and gives students opportunities to participate in projects that benefit their communities and schools. 

The event, now in its second year, was sponsored by Honeywell Hometown Solutions with the collaboration of the Arizona Commerce Authority and the Arizona Technology Council Foundation.

“It’s a privilege to be welcomed back to the Honeywell hangar again for the Arizona SciTech Chief Science Officer technology day and statewide cabinet meeting,” Susan Farretta, director of educational initiatives for the Arizona Technology Council Foundation, said. “This event provides CSO students with direct access to STEM career professionals while exposing the Honeywell innovations – a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Partnering with industry leaders such as Honeywell is integral in providing students with the opportunity to help shape the future of education in Arizona.”

CSO students also held brainstorming sessions to create growth opportunities for STEM education in their schools and communities.

Since 2015, 120 schools from 32 Arizona districts have elected 220 CSO students to the program.


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