Arizona chamber, Tucson Hispanic chamber back Ducey's education budget plan

Arizona chamber, Tucson Hispanic chamber back Ducey's education budget plan

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The Arizona Chamber of Commerce and the Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce said in a recent letter posted on the Arizona Chamber of Commerce website that they support Gov. Doug Ducey’s proposed K-12 education budget.

“As leaders of the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, we know that a high-quality classroom for every student is possible,” the letter said.

The letter said both chambers share the same goal for state education and their “A for Arizona" initiative has "sought to identify and learn from these amazing neighborhood public schools, to do everything we can to sustain their impact, and to seek their rapid growth and expansion.”

Ducey proposed plan added a "Classrooms First Initiative Council: Results-Based Funding" feature that would “expand access to the best schools we have – with an emphasis on low-income communities" and mirrors the "A for Arizona” initiative, the letter said.

The letter, issued by Arizona State Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Glenn Hamer and Tucson Hispanic Chamber President and CEO Lea Marquez-Peterson, was also distributed to state legislators, the posting said.


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