Glendale firefighters promote burn awareness

Glendale firefighters promote burn awareness

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Always use the burners toward the back first. | File photo


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The Glendale Fire Department recently promoted National Burn Awareness Week and Scalding Injury Prevention Week.

The week allows firefighters to provide information on how to deal with burns and injuries.

“Scald injuries occur when hot liquid, hot food or steam damages one or more layers of skin with most burns occurring in the home, usually in the kitchen or bathroom,” a department news release said. “Burn injuries affect all ages. Young children and the elderly are the most vulnerable. Over 100,000 children were seen in emergency rooms across the country last year for scalding burn injuries."

Firefighters recommend setting your water heater to the lowest level. Water temperature should never rise above 120 degrees in residences and 110 degrees in nursing homes or day cares. 

Second, always use the burners toward the back first, and always point your pot and pan holders toward the inside of the stove.  

Parents of young children should avoid using tablecloths, as children can easily access pull hot dishes off and on top of them.

Finally, do not warm baby bottles in the microwave or carry infants when you are handling hot liquids.


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