Marana requests WIFA review for proposed clean water project

Marana requests WIFA review for proposed clean water project

Webp water257
The town of Marana has issued a request for technical assistance from the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona. | File photo



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The town of Marana has issued a request for technical assistance from the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona (WIFA) to inform the public and request comments on a clean water infrastructure project.

The project qualifies for a Finding of No Significant Impact under the National Environmental Policy Act. This is because WIFA staff analysis concluded “that the project neither individually nor cumulatively has a significant effect on the human environment.”

The town of Marana wishes to implement the El Rio Riparian Restoration Project. It is looking to enhance the wildlife habitat by planting and seeding native species and to provide permanent surface water.

The project is reported to resolve problems of frequent flooding and subsequent drying, invasive species issues, and the inability to perform maintenance due to rough terrain, mud and debris.

The town also proposes to create circulating ponds with a permanent water source. In addition, it wishes to plant native species and create storm-water harvesting features to maintain native plantings.

The site is in Township 12 South, Range 12 East, portions of Sections 8 and 17 in the town of Marana, Pima County.

Documentation regarding the proposed project is available for review by the public or officials at WIFA, 100 N. 15th Ave., Suite 103, Phoenix, 85007.

Any written requests for information or letters containing written comments should be addressed to WIFA at the address given above. All written comments must be received no later than 5 p.m. on March 13.



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