Shelter offers pet lovers free cats and dogs

Shelter offers pet lovers free cats and dogs



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If there's one thing better than adopting a cat or dog from a shelter, it's being able to do so for free. Such is the case with the Pima Animal Care Center (PACC), which is waiving adult dog and cat adoption fees during its "Clear the Shelter" event Friday and Saturday.

The shelter is overcrowded, housing more than 460 pets, and hopes the special offer will bring in animal lovers.

“Our dog kennels are full, and because we recently rescued 57 cats and kittens from a hoarding situation, our cats need more space, too,” Jose Ocano, PACC’s director of operations, said.

The special event began at noon on Friday at the shelter, 4000 North Silverbell Road, but will also involve its five partner PetSmart stores today. A $17 licensing fee for dogs still applies, and only dogs and cats older than 6 months will have adoption fees waived.

All pets have been spayed or neutered and have had vaccinations and microchip implants. One free vet visit is included as well.

Visit the shelter website at for more information and to see pictures of some of the pets available for adoption.


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