Tucson Electric Power, Tucson Urban League working together to aid the community

Tucson Electric Power, Tucson Urban League working together to aid the community




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Tucson Electric Power (TEP) and Tucson Urban League have been working together since the 1980s to support job training programs, make homes more energy-efficient and help customers pay bills during difficult times.

“Having the Tucson Urban League as a trusted partner enables us to better reach our customers,” Desiree Dillard, a TEP energy efficiency program coordinator, said. “It’s such a positive group to work with. They care about making a positive impact in our community.”

TEP and the Tucson Urban League have teamed up to help provide free energy-efficiency upgrades to the homes of those on limited incomes. In the program, houses are upgraded with insulation, sun screens, low-flow shower heads and other features that help reduce energy costs.

“The league strives to work collaboratively with local businesses such as TEP and other nonprofit organizations to serve the Tucson community,” Georgia Hale, TEP’s manager of financial accounting, said.

TEP also provides short-term bill-payment assistance through the Tucson Urban League and other community partners for qualified customers. The agencies use donated money and federal funds to help pay overdue utility bills, which helps avoid disconnection.

TEP also donated building materials worth $5,000 to the Tucson Urban League from its display at the SAHBA Home & Garden Show in October. The materials were used for its Home Builders Institute program that teaches students job skills and helps them earn certifications. The institute’s students, ages 17-25, learned how to clean up wood, remove nails, use tape measures and hone other skills.

“Because of TEP’s generosity, we can put more money into the housing program,” Hector Silvain, Tucson Urban League’s housing manager, said.



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