Pima County Bike Ambassadors to give out bells at outreach events

Pima County Bike Ambassadors to give out bells at outreach events



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Pima County’s Bike Ambassadors said it will hand out bike bells and new maps of The Loop during several outreach events over the next two months.

Bells will be given out on a first-come, first-served basis. These are designed to fit any diameter handlebar and any bicycle. The Loop maps that are given out are compact, folding down to the size of a business card.

Besides planned events, other Bike Ambassadors plan to roam and hand out useful items to trail users such as bike and pedestrian safety bookmarks to help everyone understand how to safely share the path.

All events will be held from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

The bike bell giveaways will be from 9-11:30 a.m. Sunday, Jan.. 8, at Rillito Park on the north bank west of La Canada Drive; Jan. 14 at Santa Cruz River Park on the west bank south of Speedway Boulevard; Jan. 22 at Christina Taylor Green Memorial River Park on the west side of Shannon Road south of Magee Road; and Jan. 28 at Julian Wash Greenway, Augie Acuna Los Ninos Park, 5432 S. Bryant Avenue.

Other outreach events will be Feb. 5 at Pantano River Park at Michael Perry Park; Feb. 11 at Julian Wash Greenway at Roy Schoonover Trailhead; Feb. 19 at Heirloom Farmers Market at Rillito River Park; and Feb. 25 at Santa Cruz River Park at The Loop Bike Shop.

For more information on the events, visit Pima County's Bicycle and Pedestrian Program at www.bikeped.pima.gov.


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