Tucson, Pima County programs receive $8.4 million in grants to help homeless

Tucson, Pima County programs receive $8.4 million in grants to help homeless

Nonprofit funding


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The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded nearly $8.4 million to support efforts to help the homeless in Tucson and Pima County, the county said on its website.

The Continuum of Care (CoC) grants provide needed funding for programs that serve individuals and families dealing with homelessness. Six programs in Pima County received funding.

“This funding will go a long way toward ensuring people experiencing homelessness will have access to housing and services to meet their needs,” Dan Sullivan, program manager of the county’s Sullivan Jackson Employment Center (SJEC), said.

An award of $418,241 went to the county’s Project Advent Rapid Rehousing program, managed by the SJEC. Sullivan Jackson is one of four satellite American Job Centers in the country providing employment assistance to the homeless.

Steve Nelson, SJEC program coordinator, said a 20 percent employment rate for homeless job seekers is considered successful, yet at Sullivan Jackson, more than 61 percent completing the program successfully earn incomes.

In 2014-15 year, through the Project Advent Rapid Rehousing, SJEC housed 158 program participants and helped them move on to secure stable jobs and transition into nonsubsidized housing.


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