Greater Phoenix Chamber PAC endorses Stark for City Council seat

Greater Phoenix Chamber PAC endorses Stark for City Council seat

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The Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce Political Action Committee (GPCC PAC) said it has endorsed Debra Stark in the Nov. 8 special election to fill the Phoenix City Council District 3 vacancy left by Bill Gates.

The City Council had appointed Stark, former planning director for the city and Maricopa County, to fill the vacant District 3 seat in June.

“The Greater Phoenix Chamber PAC board was very impressed with the quality and qualifications of all the candidates who participated in our candidate interview and evaluation process for the upcoming city of Phoenix Council special election,” GPCC PAC Chairman John Moody said.

“The council will continue to face many important and difficult issues impacting the residents and businesses in our community," Moody said. "The level of professionalism, knowledge of issues affecting business and deep-rooted commitment to our city, as demonstrated by our candidate evaluation process, bodes well for the residents of Phoenix. For the upcoming special election, the GPCC PAC is pleased to endorse Councilwoman Debra Stark. Debra has faced difficult decisions head-on during her time on the council and is prepared to hit the ground running.”

GPCC PAC has shown support for candidates for more than 30 years, selecting those who have distinguished themselves as knowledgeable and supportive of issues affecting regional businesses. Endorsement by the GPCC PAC Board requires a super-majority membership vote.

The chamber encourages registered voters to learn about the candidates for local and state elections and to vote Nov. 8.

Early voting for the election begins on Oct. 12 and can be done in person at the Maricopa County Elections offices or on the 15th floor of Phoenix City Hall. Voters can request early ballots by calling 602-506-1511 no later than Oct. 28. Ballots must be received by an election official no later than 7 p.m. on election day or they will not be counted.

In-person early voting also will be available weekdays from Oct. 12 through Nov. 4 during normal business hours at the Maricopa County Elections offices and on the 15th Floor of Phoenix City Hall.



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