Greater Phoenix Chamber PAC announces endorsements for Arizona legislature

Greater Phoenix Chamber PAC announces endorsements for Arizona legislature




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Greater Phoenix Chamber PAC announces endorsements for Arizona legislature

The Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce Political Action Committee (GPCC PAC) recently issued a list of 51 candidates it has endorsed for the Arizona legislature.

The PAC chooses candidates it feels are the most friendly to businesses.

Endorsed candidates include:


District 1: Karen Fann (R), Senate; Noel Campbell (R), House; David Stringer (R), House;

District 2: Chris Ackerly (R), House and Daniel Hernandez (D), House;

District 5: Sonny Borrelli (R), Senate and Regina Cobb (R), House;

District 6: Sylvia Allen (R), Senate; Brenda Barton (R), House and Bob Thorpe (R), House;

District 8: Frank Pratt (R), Senate; T.J. Shope (R), House and David Cook (R), House;

District 11: Vince Leach (R), House;

District 14: Gail Griffin (R), Senate and Drew John (R), House;

District 15: John Allen (R), House and Heather Carter (R), House;

District 16: Doug Coleman (R), House;

District 17: Steve Yarbrough (R), Senate; J.D. Mesnard (R), House and Jeff Weninger (R), House;

District 18: Jill Norgaard (R), House and Bob Robson (R), House;

District 19: Lupe Chavira Contreras (D), Senate; Mark Cardenas (D), House and Jose Espinoza (D), House;

District 20: Kimberly Yee (R), Senate; Paul Boyer (R), House;

District 21: Debbie Lesko (R), Senate; Tony Rivero (R), House and Kevin Payne (R), House.

“The PAC is a cornerstone of the Greater Phoenix Chamber, vital to our mission of avocation for and supporting our member businesses,” Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Todd Sanders said. “As they did in the primary, the PAC board chose to make election endorsements for the general election of those whose policies and agendas are most closely aligned with the overall mission of the chamber to boost Arizona’s economy through job creation and business retention and expansion. These candidates deeply care about the business climate in Arizona and we are proud to offer them our endorsement.”



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