Bombardier celebrates 40 years in Tucson

Bombardier celebrates 40 years in Tucson

Bombardier tucson



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Bombardier celebrates 40 years in Tucson

Bombardier Aerospace is celebrating its 40th year of operations in Tucson.

"Our 40th year in Tucson is an important milestone," Tim McGuire, general manager of Tucson Service Center, Bombardier Business Aircraft, said. "It is a testament to our longstanding partnership with Tucson International Airport, to our dedicated employees -- some of whom have been with us since the very start -- as well as to our service center's extensive capabilities and prime location, offering flexibility and convenience for Bombardier business aircraft operators. We look forward to many more years of operations in Tucson."

The Tucson Air Center encompasses nearly one million square feet of total hangar space and is the largest of Bombardier's nine service centers. 

"We are very proud to celebrate 40 years of operations in Tucson and to extend congratulations to the on-site teams," Stephen McCoy, general manager of commercial aircraft service centers, said. "It is through the tireless work of our employees and our strong relationship with the Tucson International Airport that we are able to deliver high-quality, reliable service to our customers every single day."

The facility has been located at Tucson International Airport since 1976.

"On behalf of the Tucson Airport Authority, we are very proud to have been a part of Bombardier's 40-year history in Southern Arizona," Bonnie Allin, CEO and president of Tucson Airport Authority, said. "Bombardier is a very important part of the Tucson International Airport family, impacting an advancing industry and also promoting aerospace and development recruitment. Bombardier is one of our largest aerospace tenants and is a significant contributor to the airport's $3.2 billion impact to the regional economy. We are excited to formally acknowledge and express appreciation to Bombardier for their 40 years of partnership through special recognition at our September board meeting and an exhibit within the Tucson Airport terminal."



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