Arizona Battleground Poll releases results of phone survey in Fifth Congressional District GOP race

Arizona Battleground Poll releases results of phone survey in Fifth Congressional District GOP race




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The Arizona Battleground Poll recently released the results of its phone survey.

Recently released results of an Arizona Battleground Poll conducted in Arizona’s Fifth Congressional District on May 25 and 26 show state Senate President Andy Biggs and former Maricopa County Supervisor Don Stapley are leading in the four-way race for the Republican nomination for the congressional seat.

The results for the Arizona Battleground Poll, a project of Phoenix-based Summit Consulting Group, were gathered through a phone survey of 325 registered voters in the district. The voters were screened based on whether they were likely to vote in the August primary.

Everyone who participated in the survey was part of the fully representative sample based on the district's latest voter registration figures. The confidence interval based on this particular sample type is 95 percent of the time the results will be within 5.5 percent of actual values.

When asked what political party they belonged to, 94 percent of the voters identified as Republican and 84 percent of those surveyed said they were absolutely certain they would vote. 

The poll indicated 24 percent of those surveyed said they were likely to vote for Biggs, with 18 percent for Stapley, 8 percent for Justin Olson and 6 percent for Christine Jones; 44 percent said they were undecided.

Stapley was the most recognized candidate in the race with 74 percent, and he led the candidates in favorability with 36 percent. 

The most important issue was jobs and the economy, leading with 23 percent.

In the poll, 44 percent classified themselves as very conservative and 41 percent said that they attend a religious service every week. 

Sex of the respondents was recorded at 52 percent male and 48 percent female, mostly senior citizens.



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