Tucson Electric Power to provide grants to local nonprofits

Tucson Electric Power to provide grants to local nonprofits

Tucson Electric Power is planning to offer grants to local nonprofits. | Courtesy of Shutterstock



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Tucson Electric Power (TEP) will award $250,000 this year to help local nonprofit groups improve education, protect the environment and expand limited-income assistance through its new Community Impact Grants.

TEP Community Impact Grants are available to organizations in TEP’s service territory and in the White Mountains communities around the Springerville Generating Station. The expanded program replaces the company’s longstanding Grants that Make a Difference program, which provided $101,000 last year.

“We want to increase our positive impact in areas where we’ve focused our philanthropic support, including education, environmental protection and community assistance,” David Hutchens, TEP president and CEO, said. “We’re committed to improving the quality of life in the communities we serve.”

Application guidelines, forms and details will be available on tep.com beginning Wednesday, June 1. Applications must be submitted online at tep.com/community by July 27 to be considered. To encourage early entries, eligible nonprofit organizations that submit completed applications by 5 p.m. on June 27 will be entered into a drawing for a $1,000 donation. Applications will be reviewed through September, and grants will be awarded this fall.

“There’s no limit to how much of our total funding an agency can request, so we’re asking our community partners to think big and use TEP Community Impact Grants to achieve real, measurable results that improve the lives of those in need,” Hutchens said.

Grants will be awarded to nonprofit organizations that provide services in three focus areas: education, environmental protection and sustainability, and community assistance. Visit the tep.com website for specifics about the types of programs that are eligible for grant funding.



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