Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona in joint venture to lower costs

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona in joint venture to lower costs



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Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona and McKesson Business Performance Services are joining forces to form ACO Partner, a maximum services organization to provide health services.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona (BCBSAZ) and McKesson Business Performance Services are joining forces to form ACO Partner, a maximum services organization to provide health services.

ACO Partner plans to develop a national network of payers and providers that will lower costs, improve patient experience and provide better overall health outcomes.

“ACO Partner will help benefit all health care stakeholders along the health care continuum,” ACO President and COO John Wallace said. “For physicians and health systems, McKesson’s services will help ease their burden as they become active participants in value-based care. For payers, ACO Partner will help support improved outcomes and cost efficiencies by educating patients about high-quality, lower cost care and by improving coordination and collaboration between providers. Finally, for patients, the new entity is intended to strengthen outcomes while helping reduce out-of-pocket expenses.”

BCBSAZ has already signed on, giving ACO access to the company's 1.5 million customers.

“McKesson’s proven track record of collaborating with multiple payers and providers, along with the resources they have developed to help these organizations succeed in the value-based environment, make this an ideal fit for BCBSAZ," BCBSAZ Senior Vice President of Health Services and Chief Medical Officer Vishu Jhaveri said. "We look forward to working closely with them to help make triple aim a reality." 


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