Changes within BeachFleischman PC include moving partner to CEO position

Changes within BeachFleischman PC include moving partner to CEO position



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Changes within BeachFleischman PC include moving partner to CEO position.

Marc Fleischman has been named the new CEO of BeachFleischman PC, one of the biggest CPA firms in Arizona and one of the 200 largest firms in the country.

In the new role, Fleischman will work to carry out the mission and strategy of the company as he remains the firm's litigation support specialist. Fleischman was one of the founding members of the firm and has served as the president of the firm in the past.

Fleischman is from California, and he earned his B.S. in Business Administration from the University of Arizona. He is a member of a number of accountant boards, including the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Arizona Society of Certified Public Accountants.

The transition of Fleischman to the position of CEO is one step of the succession plan created by the firm.

Fleischman has given testimony multiple times in Arizona's superior court and provides his expertise in a number of different areas, including marital dissolution, business valuation, property settlements, damage calculation and more.

Though Fleischman's position is changing, Beach will continue to serve as the chairman of the board and the senior advisor, where he will continue to work with client service and relationships.


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