Arizona Chamber 'loves where the governor is going' with sharing economy

Arizona Chamber 'loves where the governor is going' with sharing economy

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Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey recently signed an executive order creating the Governor's Council on the Sharing Economy, which would welcome businesses such as Uber and AirBnB into the state with less debilitating regulations and a more nurturing environment for innovation.

"We need to stop shackling innovation, and instead put the cuffs on out-of-touch regulators," Ducey said during his State of the State address on Monday. "I want startups in the Sharing Economy to know: California may not want you, but Arizona does."

Garrick Taylor, the senior vice president of Government Relations and Communications at the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry, recently told Arizona Business Daily that the chamber “loves where the governor is going with this.”

“Ducey wants government at all levels to embrace today’s sharing economy and let new ideas and initiatives flourish,” Taylor said. “Regulation is too often government’s first move, but entrepreneurs and job creators want government to concentrate more on facilitation.”

Ducey said during his address that Arizona should be to the sharing economy what Texas is to oil and what Silicon Valley used to be to the tech industry. Taylor agrees that Arizona should aim to become a mecca for sharing economy businesses.

“The governor’s right," Taylor said. "Forbes has ranked Arizona No. 1 for future job growth. A lot of that has to do with a governor and legislature that are focused on promoting policies that encourage job growth and are designed to make Arizona the easiest state in the country to do business.” 

Taylor further explained that the sharing economy is a good example.

“When some states and cities are looking for ways to shut the door on companies like Uber and AirBnB, Gov. Ducey has welcomed them and has calibrated his administration around a point of view that values emerging industries, entrepreneurship and job creators," Taylor said. 

As for creating a foundation for Arizona to support sharing economy startups, Taylor explains “We’ve already seen the governor and legislature pass new laws that encourage emerging industries like ride-sharing, microbrewing and crowdfunding. We’re anticipating that same spirit of openness and innovation to remain strong in 2016.”



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