Arizona Corporation Commission not letting distractions get in the way of work

Arizona Corporation Commission not letting distractions get in the way of work

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The Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC), which functions in an executive, legislative and judicial capacity within the state, is staying focused on its work despite recent controversies swirling about the public office.

“Even with the other issues hitting the news, the business of the commission continues as usual,” ACC Communications Manager Angie Holdsworth told Arizona Business Daily. “We recently implemented online filing for LLC (limited liability company) papers, which has really been successful at reducing errors in filings, which decreases the rejection rate compared to those who file on paper. This means that businesses can get set up sooner."

The Pipeline Safety Division and Railway Safety Division are constantly working as well. The commission recently approved new railroad safety crossings during the last meeting, and the Pipeline Safety Division just received a 99.5 rating from the Department of Transportation, Holdsworth said.

Holdsworth also said that in recent meetings, the commission took action on some securities fraud cases.

 “In the last meeting there were several investors that were ordered to pay restitution combined (at) over $6 million," he said. "In another meeting, there was significant action taken on an investor and his company, Out of the Blue.”

The commission also has held a number of technology workshops, which host a variety of companies.

“One representative from the Idaho National Lab presented information and discussed the possibility of creating a substation here in Arizona," Holdsworth said. "If that were to happen, it would create jobs and add to the state's technology environment."

Solar is also a central focus, and the commission began holding solar workshops, hosting roof-top solar companies to look at emerging technology. Another example of how the ACC is promoting energy efficiency is in the School Energy Efficiency Pilot Program, which will make energy efficiency programs more affordable for schools.

“That cost savings could put that savings back in classroom.” Holdsworth said.

The ACC is required by law to hold monthly meetings to discuss upcoming agendas. The next meeting will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday and Wednesday.



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