Mohave Electric's J. Tyler Carlson recognized with national service award

Mohave Electric's J. Tyler Carlson recognized with national service award

Tyler carlson


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Mohave Electric's J. Tyler Carlson recognized with national service award.

Mohave Electric Cooperative CEO J. Tyler Carlson will receive the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) 2015 Paul Revere Award, a national service award, it was announced Monday in Bullhead City, Arizona.

NRECA’s board of directors chose Carlson for his outstanding leadership in mobilizing support on issues of importance to electric cooperative and their member-owners.

“I have seen first-hand Tyler’s passion and strength for building advocates among our employees and throughout the community,” Mohave Electric Board President Lyn R. Opalka said. “Tyler truly exemplifies the values of electric cooperatives, and this award is a well-deserved recognition of his leadership.”

The cooperative recently achieved a significant grassroots victory in gathering 11,264 comments to the EPA opposing its proposed greenhouse gas rules. The number of comments represents approximately 34 percent of the cooperative’s membership, positioning Arizona at the rank of fifth highest number of comments nationwide and first among other states of similar size.

U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar was among 16 elected officials, local leaders and Arizona electric cooperative officials who wrote in support of Carlson’s nomination. 

Mohave Electric Cooperative was established in 1946 in rural Arizona, when traditional investor-owned companies would not provide service because they could not make a profit. Consumers formed the co-op as member-owners, working together to bring electricity to the remote area’s 90 meters.

Today, Mohave Electric is a locally based, not-for-profit distribution cooperative, providing electricity to more than 39,000 meters in Bullhead City, Fort Mohave, Mohave Valley, Wikieup, Hackberry and Peach Springs -- motivated by innovation, accountability, integrity and community commitment.


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