U.S. Representative Bob Goodlatte (va-6)

Recent News About U.S. Representative Bob Goodlatte (va-6)

U.S. Government: Agencies/Departments/Divisions | Elected U.S. Legislators

A U.S. House subcommittee on which Arizona Congressman Trent Franks (R-8) serves will hold a hearing tomorrow regarding the impact and oversight of plaintiff lawyer television ads that pitch lawsuits against makers of prescription drugs.

The bill, H.R. 5063, the Stop Settlement Slush Funds Act of 2016, targets a loophole that allows settlement agreements reached with the Department of Justice to include payments to groups unaffected by the action being settled.

The legislation, the Stop Settlement Slush Funds Act of 2016, passed the House Judiciary Committee on May 11 by a vote of 18-6.