Recent News About Arizona State Rep. Debbie Lesko

State Government | Elected State Legislators

Rooftop solar increases non-solar energy bills, state legislator says

State Sen. Debbie Lesko (R-Peoria) said the only real surprise she noticed in a recent study of how much net-metering costs non-solar customers was just how high that cost turned out to be.

Lesko calls solar industry's proposed ballot measure "awful" for AZ consumers

Solar panel leasing companies and Arizona lawmakers have stepped back from a probable bruising battle over competing ballot measures to change the state’s energy use laws.

Arizona's newest solar law aims to protect consumers from inflated savings claims

Solar leasing companies in Arizona must now justify how they estimate the savings from installing solar panels, according to a bill signed by Gov. Doug Ducey in late March.

Lesko to introduce bill to protect consumers from 'deceptive, misleading' solar panel leases

Arizona State Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-Glendale) plans to continue her efforts to protect homeowners from deceptive and misleading solar panel leases by introducing a follow-up bill to S.B. 1465 aimed at requiring clearer language in advertising and lease agreements.